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Have a question about our Au Pair Kerry service?

Contact us today


Are you looking for flexible childcare solutions for your family? We offer an au pair Kerry service for that is built to work around you and your family's requirements.

Our service is designed to provide families with childcare solutions such as:

Assisting with homework

Bringing children to their school

Children's laundry

Helping children get ready for school

Light house cleaning duties

Play and activities

Every family who welcomes an au pair into their family home will introduce their new household member to the Irish way of life and create an environment that supports the development of both your children and your au pair.

Delivering a reliable and professional service for our clients is a responsibility we take very seriously when recommending young women or men for home stays in Kerry.

A successful au pair Kerry experience will allow for everyone to benefit from their time together while giving your au pair their own time to discover Ireland, socialise and improve their language skills.

Have a question about our Au Pair Kerry service?

Contact us today

Why You Should Consider Our Au Pair Kerry Service


An extra pair of hands

Educational and cultural benefits

Flexible childcare


Less stress

Share your requirements with our team

and find your ideal au pair

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What happens if issues arise? Should I call my agent?
    Yes. The European Au Pair Agency is there to help you during the whole placement and will guide you as well as your au pair through the whole process. Clear communication is our priority to ensure any issues are solved as soon as possible. The European Au Pair Agency provide support and help for both parties (host families and au pairs) and will in the event of an unsolved situation, endeavour to find a replacement as soon as possible.
  • How long does the placement process usually take?
    This will depend on the family request. It can sometimes take as little as one week or up to four to five weeks. Getting the right match for every family is really important to us.
  • How much does an au pair get paid?
    The au pair's payment varies depending on their age and the number of hours they work per week. Host families can deduct € 1.14 per hour worked for board as well as € 30 per week for lodgings. National minimum wage stands at € 13.50 for candidates aged over 20. Whereas candidates aged 19 and 18 can earn € 12.15 & €10.80 per hour respectively. Under Irish employment law, an au pair enjoys the same protection as domestic workers. A large amount of host families are still paying their au pair pocket money but the onus is on the host family to comply. Everyone needs to be treated fairly to ensure this cultural exchange programme is a positive experience for everyone.
  • How long does the placement process usually take?
    Timelines will vary from family to family due to the nature of specific requests. It can sometimes take as little as one week and up to four or five weeks. Finding the right match for your family unit is extremely important to us.
  • Are au pairs expected to take English classes?
    Most individuals would attend English classes once or twice a week for about four to six hours collectively. We supply au pairs with a list of suitable courses in the area they will be living in and they will cover the cost of the course.
  • Who pays for the travelling costs of an au pair?
    The au pair will pay for her/his own travelling costs during their placement as well as arrival and departure flights. Get in touch with us if you have any other questions.
  • What are the accommodation requirements?
    Your au pair needs to have a fully furnished bedroom with adequate heating during their stay in your family home. Get in touch with us for any further questions in relation to accommodation.
  • How many days off should an au pair have per week?
    They would mostly get two days off weekly, typically on weekends, as well as all bank holidays. Free time is encouraged to be spent discovering what Ireland has to offer.
  • I would like to find an au pair who is able to drive. Who will cover the cost of driving related expenses?
    Host families requiring a driver are responsible for adding any individual to their insurance policy. In the cases of personal use, a pre-arranged agreement will need to be put in place for matters such as petrol costs.
  • How long does the placement process usually take?
    This will depend on the family request. It can sometimes take as little as one week or up to four to five weeks. Getting the right match for every family is really important to us.
  • How many hours will I be expected to work when I am abroad?
    Usually between 25 to 35 hours per week, some families would request more hours & their au pair should be paid accordingly.
  • How can I apply for the international au pair programme?
    Please get in touch with The European Au Pair Agency by email or phone to register your interest and to discuss your requirements and preferences in further detail.
  • How many days off should an au pair have per week?
    They would mostly get two days off weekly, typically on weekends, as well as all bank holidays. Free time is encouraged to be spent discovering what Ireland has to offer.
  • What are the accommodation requirements?
    Your au pair needs to have a fully furnished bedroom with adequate heating during their stay in your family home. Get in touch with us for any further questions in relation to accommodation.
  • Are au pairs expected to take English classes?
    Most individuals would attend English classes once or twice a week for about four to six hours collectively. We supply au pairs with a list of suitable courses in the area they will be living in and they will cover the cost of the course.
  • How long does the placement process usually take?
    This will depend on the family request. It can sometimes take as little as one week or up to four to five weeks. Getting the right match for every family is really important to us.
  • How can I apply for the international au pair programme?
    Please get in touch with The European Au Pair Agency by email or phone to register your interest and to discuss your requirements and preferences in further detail.
  • How much does an au pair get paid?
    The au pair's payment varies depending on their age and the number of hours they work per week. Host families can deduct € 1.14 per hour worked for board as well as € 30 per week for lodgings. National minimum wage stands at € 13.50 for candidates aged over 20. Whereas candidates aged 19 and 18 can earn € 12.15 & €10.80 per hour respectively. Under Irish employment law, an au pair enjoys the same protection as domestic workers. A large amount of host families are still paying their au pair pocket money but the onus is on the host family to comply. Everyone needs to be treated fairly to ensure this cultural exchange programme is a positive experience for everyone.
  • Who pays for the travelling costs of an au pair?
    The au pair will pay for her/his own travelling costs during their placement as well as arrival and departure flights. Get in touch with us if you have any other questions.
  • How many hours will I be expected to work when I am abroad?
    Usually between 25 to 35 hours per week, some families would request more hours & their au pair should be paid accordingly.
  • How long does the placement process usually take?
    Timelines will vary from family to family due to the nature of specific requests. It can sometimes take as little as one week and up to four or five weeks. Finding the right match for your family unit is extremely important to us.
  • What happens if issues arise? Should I call my agent?
    Yes. The European Au Pair Agency is there to help you during the whole placement and will guide you as well as your au pair through the whole process. Clear communication is our priority to ensure any issues are solved as soon as possible. The European Au Pair Agency provide support and help for both parties (host families and au pairs) and will in the event of an unsolved situation, endeavour to find a replacement as soon as possible.
  • How long does the placement process usually take?
    This will depend on the family request. It can sometimes take as little as one week or up to four to five weeks. Getting the right match for every family is really important to us.
  • I would like to find an au pair who is able to drive. Who will cover the cost of driving related expenses?
    Host families requiring a driver are responsible for adding any individual to their insurance policy. In the cases of personal use, a pre-arranged agreement will need to be put in place for matters such as petrol costs.
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